Men are good at a lot of things. They work hard, they play hard, they love their families, they support their friends, and so much more. Taking care of their skin is one thing men are notoriously not as good at. Men tend to have thicker skin (literally), which allows them to streamline their skincare routine and still achieve their skin health goals. However, skincare for men is still important. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of maintaining healthy skin and provide some dermatologist-recommended tips for skincare routines and products that perfect for every man.

Why a Skincare Routine for Men Matters

Men are less likely than women to maintain a consistent skincare routine, and they are significantly less likely to visit a dermatologist. It may take longer for the skipped skincare steps to catch up to them, but it will. Whether it’s flareups in chronic skin conditions, sun damage, or accelerated signs of aging, skipping your daily skincare routine will have consequences.

Some of the many reasons skincare matters for men include:

  • Improve Skin Health & Appearance – a consistent skincare routine ensures skin stays generally health and looks great.
  • Manage Skin Concerns – if you have chronic skin conditions like acne, eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis, it’s essential to maintain a consistent skincare routine to manage symptoms and reduce flareups.
  • Age Gracefully – with proper care, you can slow the aging process and look and feel your best as the years go by.
  • Protect from Sun Damage – the sun contributes to accelerated aging. It can also cause skin cancer. The effects of sun damage are cumulative. That means the longer and more often your skin is damaged by the sun, the more advanced the impact on your skin’s health and appearance. Including sunscreen as part of your daily skincare routine is essential to keep skin healthy.

Learn the importance of maintaining healthy skin and get dermatologist-recommended tips for skincare routines and products that perfect for every man.

The Basics of a Simple Daily Skincare Routine for Men

If you’re building your skincare routine, there are a few steps you shouldn’t skip, including:

  • Cleansing – choose a gentle cleanser to use morning and evening. Carefully cleanse skin. Be sure to completely rinse cleanser from skin to avoid leaving residue behind that may irritate skin or clog pores.
  • Toning – toner balances skin’s pH and deep cleans into pores. Apply a small mount to skin following cleansing for a deeper clean.
  • Moisturizing – apply a lightweight moisturizer in the morning to the face and neck. You can use the same moisturizer in the evening or a thicker option if you experience dry skin.
  • Protecting from Sun Damage – finish up your morning skincare routine with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply before leaving the house in the morning and reapply regularly throughout the day, especially if you’ll be out in the sun for an extended time.

Product Recommendations & Features

Every person has unique skin health needs. If you’re not sure what skincare products will work best, you can always consult with a dermatologist. They can help you develop a personalized, effective skincare routine. While personalized skincare is always the ideal option, our dermatologists have hand selected the following products to meet men’s skincare needs:

  • ZO Skin Health Gentle Cleanser a very gentle formula suitable for daily use that effectively removes impurities without stripping the skin’s natural oils.
  • MD Skin Essentials Crush It this serum works to clear up blemishes and reduce acne breakouts. It can also address multiple skincare concerns such as accelerated aging, lack of hydration, and texture irregularities.
  • SkinBetter Science Solo Hydrating Defense Men serums may be an optional step in men’s skincare routines, but this product was specifically designed for men's skin. It provides hydration and defends against environmental stressors while reducing oil levels and improving overall skin tone and texture.
  • Revision Skincare D.E.J. Face Cream this moisturizer is an excellent addition to your morning and evening skincare routine. The advanced formula offers an anti-aging boost and improves skin elasticity and firmness.
  • EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46 - this broad-spectrum sunscreen is suitable for outdoor activities, sweating, and it’s water-resistant. With an SPF 46, it’s the perfect skin-protecting final step in your morning skincare routine.

Additional Tips for Skincare Success

Choosing the right products and maintaining a consistent skincare routine is essential. Below, our dermatologists provide some men’s skincare tips to keep skin healthy:

  • Shave Carefully shaving can cause irritation to skin. Make sure to use a sharp razor. Clean skin before shaving and moisturize after.
  • Keep Skin Clean – cleansing skin twice a day may be adequate for some. Others may need to wash their face more often. If you are exercising, working outdoors, or otherwise notice your skin is sweaty or dirty, you should wash skin again. Take care to use gentle products, so you don’t over was and apply moisturizer after cleansing.
  • Perform Skin Cancer Self-Exams – skin cancer is most treatable in the early stages. Performing regular skin cancer self-exams and alerting your dermatologist at the first sign of concern makes it more likely that you’ll receive a skin cancer diagnosis in the earliest stages.
  • Never Skip Your Sunscreen – we’ve mentioned the importance of sun protection already, but it never hurts to repeat this \ recommendation. Applying sunscreen every morning before you leave the house and reapplying as needed throughout the day is an essential skin health step.

Keep Your Skin Healthy & Beautiful

It’s not easy to make a change. Building new habits takes time and dedication. Even if you add just one skincare product to your routine, you will start to see a big difference. Need help developing a routine? You may want to consider working with a dermatologist. The team at U.S. Dermatology Partners curated the list of products at Derm Skincare. They would love to be your partner in achieving and maintaining healthy skin.

Explore Our Range of Skin Health Options

If you’re looking for new skincare products to boost your daily routine or you need help tackling a specific skin health concern, Derm Skincare has you covered. With a range of skincare products hand-selected by dermatologists to meet a variety of needs, if you need to meet a skin health goal, you can find the right products here. Interested in learning more skincare tips and tricks? We hope you’ll come back regularly to read our blog.