Growth factors are the latest skincare craze. Face masks, serums, moisturizers, and other skincare products are advertising growth factors that will transform your skin, but do they actually do anything for your skin’s health and appearance? When high-quality growth factor skincare products are used correctly, they can lead to significant improvement in skin’s health and appearance. However, it’s important to find the best products with high-quality ingredients to ensure they deliver your desired results. In this blog, you can learn more about skincare products with growth factors and what they can do for skin.

What Are Growth Factors?

Growth factors are natural proteins found in the body that are responsible for communicating signals between cells. They trigger the healing processes. This includes rejuvenating damaged skin cells, repairing blood vessels, and accelerating the production of healthy skin cells as well as collagen and elastin. When high-quality growth factors are added to skincare products, they stimulate cell renewal and rejuvenation, leading to smoother, firmer skin. Accelerated skin cell turnover means brighter, more radiant skin.

How Do Growth Factor Products Work on the Skin?

Growth factors for skincare products are derived from human cells, or they can be engineered. When administered as part of the skincare routine, growth factors provide anti-aging benefits by stimulating cellular processes that slow as we age and lead to the development of fine lines, wrinkles, skin dullness, lost elasticity, and other concerns. Specifically, growth factors prompt the production of collagen and elastin proteins. These are essential in creating smooth, firm skin. Growth factors also promote faster and more efficient skin cell turnover, which improves skin tone and texture.

Benefits of Using Growth Factor Products

We’ve already mentioned some of the benefits of using growth factor products in this blog, but to state them clearly:

  • • Anti-aging – high-quality skincare products with growth factors are excellent additions to any anti-aging skincare routine. The accelerated skin cell turnover and increased production of collagen and elastin work to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for smoother skin.
  • • Skin Regeneration – using growth factors may improve skin health by boosting its ability to repair and renew itself. For those with chronic skin conditions like acne or eczema, growth factors may lessen the severity of flareups and promote faster healing. Growth factors also accelerate healing time after dermatologic treatments or injuries.
  •  Improve skin texture – skin cell turnover is essential for even skin tone and texture. In our youth, skin cell turnover naturally occurs more quickly. This is why young people have smoother, brighter looking skin. As we age, cellular turnover slows, leaving skin looking dull and uneven. Growth factors stimulate faster skin cell turnover for smoother and more even skin tone.
  • • Increased elasticity – the increased production of collage and elastin possible with growth factor use leads to smoother, firmer skin. It can prevent skin laxity and restore skin’s firmness when there are signs of minimal to moderate skin laxity.
  • • Enhanced hydration – the production of fibroblast proteins in skin also decreases as we age. This causes skin to become thinner, making it more difficult to retain moisture. Growth factor skincare products encourage the production of fibroblasts for improved skin strength and density for increased hydration.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Growth Factor Products

While research and FDA approval for growth factors in skincare products are still ongoing, early research and clinical studies indicate the addition of growth factors to skincare products to deliver improved overall skin health and appearance. Topical growth factor products have been used much more often with increased benefit, and they have not seen as many adverse effects related to the use of these products compared with growth factors used for bone production and other systemic concerns. Because growth factors are still relatively new ingredients in skincare products, it’s important to choose products that have been evaluated and proven safe and effective for use. Even better, work with a dermatologist to incorporate the right skincare products with growth factors into your daily skincare routine.

Tips for Choosing and Using Growth Factor Products

Choosing skincare products with growth factors shouldn’t be taken lightly. Numerous products claim to contain growth factors and promise all kinds of astounding results for the health and appearance of skin. Unfortunately, not all of these products are effective at delivering growth factors that achieve the desired results. ZO Skin Health Growth Factor Serum is one of the most dermatologist-recommended skincare products with growth factors. This serum has been evaluated by third-party analysis of clinical research, which determined that most participants saw skin that looked six years younger on average after about 3 months of regular use. To work ZO Skin Health Growth Factor Serum into your daily routine, you should apply it as the final step in your evening regimen. It works to lock in and increase hydration provided by your moisturizer. Overnight this growth factor serum goes to work promoting cellular turnover and increasing the production of collagen and elastin.

Another great skincare product that includes growth factors is SkinMedica TNS Recovery Complex. Designed to accelerate healing and improve the results of dermatologic treatments, this innovative serum utilizes a 93.6% concentration of Tissue Nutrient Solution (TNS) and 380 growth factors and cytokines, leading to improved overall skin health and appearance. SkinMedica TNS Recovery Complex can be used morning and evening after cleansing skin and before using moisturizer. Apply gently to the face, neck, and chest.

Growth Factors to Boost Your Skincare Routine

Growth factors improve the health of skin, turn back the clock on signs of aging, increase moisture, and generally improve skin tone, texture, and elasticity. When you include growth factors in a daily skincare routine, you’ll be surprised by all the positive skin health changes. However, it’s important to choose the right growth factor skincare products and incorporate them into your routine effectively. A dermatologist can help you find the right product for your skincare needs and walk you through how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Explore DermSkincare for More Skin Health How-To Guides

If you’re interested in learning more tips and strategies for improving skin health, we hope you’ll read our blog regularly. If you have loved ones who are interested in improving their skin health, make sure to share our site with them. You can also explore other skincare products that help you meet any skin health need on the DermSkincare site. All of the products available from DermSkincare have been vetted and verified effective by dermatologists, so you know you can trust our curated list of products.