The MD Skin Essentials brand was developed by dermatologists to deliver skincare products they know patients really need. While any dermatologist will tell you skincare needs vary from patient to patient, there are some skincare products and ingredients that are core elements in just about every skincare plan. Enter the MD Skin Essential Core 4 bundle. Meticulously developed by skincare professionals and curated by our trusted dermatologists, the Core 4 Bundle includes products that are formulated for all skin types and deliver numerous skin health benefits. You can learn more about this dermatologist-recommended skincare quartet in this blog or by exploring the MD Skin Essential Core 4 bundle page.

Unveiling MD Skin Essentials Core 4

The MD Skin Essential Core 4 bundle provides a solid foundation for your morning and evening skincare routines. The bundle includes the four top dermatologist-recommended MD Skin Essentials products:

  • Fortify – an antioxidant-rich formula for all-day skin protection.
  • HylaCream – hydrating moisturizer to nourish the skin morning and night.
  • Energize – a collagen-stimulating, gentle retinol serum for skin firmness and smoothness.
  • Silk Shield – provides a protective barrier against sun and environmental damage.

Fortify: Your Antioxidant Powerhouse

No matter your skin type or skincare needs, almost everyone will benefit from a vitamin C serum. These antioxidant solutions boost skin protection against sun damage, and they’re a great addition to your morning skincare routine. While vitamin C is powerful on its own, MD Skin Essentials Fortify combines vitamin C with vitamin E, ferulic acid, and lactic acid. The combination of vitamins C and E offers increased protection against the sun’s UV damage. Ferulic acid helps to stabilize vitamins C and E and improve results. Lactic acid helps to smooth and soften skin. With regular use, MD Skin Essentials Fortify leaves skin looking flawless and feeling smooth.

To incorporate this product into your daily routine, apply a pea-sized amount to the face and neck during your morning skincare routine after cleansing. Allow the serum to fully dry and absorb into the skin. Follow up with moisturizer and sunscreen.

HylaCream: The Ultimate Hydration Solution

The right moisturizer is an essential element of morning and evening skincare routines, but not all moisturizers are created equal. Some moisturizers are too light and runny to be fully absorbed or benefit people with very dry skin. Thick, cream-based moisturizers may be too heavy for people with oily skin or acne. MD Skin Essentials HylaCream offers a happy medium between the two with a hydration delivery system with a mousse-like formula that leaves skin feeling smooth and supple. The key ingredient is the sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer. This unique ingredient draws in and binds water to the skin like a traditional hyaluronic acid moisturizer, but it offers 50,000 times the water binding capacity. In addition, HylaCream includes skin barrier-repairing ceramides to improve moisture retention, so the results last all day.

The unique mousse-like moisturizer is easily applied and fully absorbed, leaving skin deeply hydrated. You should incorporate MD Skin Essentials HylaCream at the end of your morning and evening skincare routines.

Energize: Boosting Collagen Production

Retinol is an important skincare ingredient in every routine. It dissolves dead skin cells, regulates oil production, and promotes the production of skin-firming collagen and elastin. Unfortunately, many retinol products are too drying and irritating, leaving people questioning whether the benefits are worth the irritation. MD Skin Essentials Energize was developed with these concerns in mind. The .5% retinol formulation is tough enough to dissolve dead skin cells and stimulate collagen and elastin production, but the formula also includes sea whip extract and hyaluronic acid to moisturize and soothe skin, preventing many of the adverse effects associated with retinol use.

To incorporate Energize into your evening skincare routine, you should cleanse your skin, use a gentle toner, and then apply MD Skin Essentials Energize. Smooth a small amount over the face and neck. Allow it to fully absorb. Then, apply an effective moisturizer.

Silk Shield: Defending Your Skin Barrier

Silk Shield is the final product in the MD Skin Essentials Core 4 bundle. This broad-spectrum sunscreen offers a sun protection factor (SPF) of 40 with a mineral formula that combines zinc and iron oxides. In addition to protecting against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, MD Skin Essentials Silk Shield also offers protection from skin damage caused by the blue light from phones, TVs, and computers. In addition to being an effective mineral sunscreen, Silk Shield also delivers skin-hydrating ingredients like argan oil and vitamin E to soothe and moisturize. It also creates a protective barrier that keeps moisture in and blocks sun damage for longer-lasting results.

MD Skin Essentials Silk Shield is a perfect daily-use sunscreen that should be applied at the end of your morning skincare routine. Apply to the face, neck, hands, and any other area that will be exposed to sunlight. Reapply periodically throughout the day to maintain optimal results, especially if you are going to be outdoors for prolonged periods.

Elevate Your Skincare Routine with MD Skin Essentials Core 4

One of the most important benefits of the MD Skin Essentials Core 4 bundle is that you can just add a gentle cleanser, and you have a complete morning and evening skincare routine with just five products.

Core 4 Morning

  • Cleanser
  • MD Skin Essentials Fortify
  • MD Skin Essentials HylaCream
  • MD Skin Essentials Silk Shield

Core 4 Evening

  • Cleanser
  • MD Skin Essentials Energize
  • MD Skin Essentials HylaCream

In addition to offering a simple skincare regimen with one bundle, the MD Skin Essential Core 4 system also provides a range of skin health and beauty benefits when used consistently, including:

  • Creating radiant, resilient skin.
  • Increasing moisture retention.
  • Plumping, firming, and smoothing skin.
  • Exfoliating to remove dead skin cells.
  • Stimulating collagen and elastin production.
  • Regulating oil production.
  • Placing a protective barrier over the skin.
  • Protecting sensitive skin with paraben and fragrance-free formulas.

Achieve Luminous Complexion with the Core 4 Bundle

If you’re interested in learning more about the Core 4 bundle, explore our MD Skin Essentials brand page. You’ll find more information about the development of the brand and why dermatologists love these products. Interested in learning more about our other dermatologist-recommended skincare lines? Explore all of the Derm Skincare site. You can also come back regularly to read our blog and get more skincare product recommendations from our trusted team.

  1. MD Skin Essentials CORE 4